About Crework

At Crework, we believe that everyone deserves better. Started as a WhatsApp group, today we are known as a place to meet, learn and build with some of the smartest people in tech. We started Crework as a community with the aim of helping students build better projects.

But why better projects?

Engineering colleges in India don’t actually teach you engineering, hence the responsibility to educate themselves fall on the students. Learning as a process gives better results when done with people who have similar goals. Yet again, the lack of the right peer group in Indian colleges doesn’t help the cause. That’s why a community like Crework is needed.

In Crework, you learn to build products. We have been building an ecosystem where it is easier to ask questions, get personalised guidance from industry mentors and build projects with other people in the community over a fixed period of time.

The Beginner Cohort

After organising 4 batches of Crework BWU program, we realised that we need to do more if we want to enable more people to become builders. So we decided to help them start their journey the right way. Hence, this cohort.

Our Beginner Cohort is a 6 months program to help you go from 0 to 1 in your web development journey. You can start from scratch and become a full stack developer backed by projects, sessions and guidance from our experts in 24 weeks.

Who is it for:

Anyone who is looking to become a web developer in next 6 months, wants to learn with a community and is ready to put in the efforts would be a right fit for this cohort :)

To be more specific, this program is ideal for:

  1. Students starting out in Web Development
  2. Students/ Professionals transitioning to Web Development
  3. Beginner developers looking for guidance and mentorship
  4. Beginner developers seeking community learning

What you would get:

  1. Mentorship and personalised guidance from industry experts.
  2. Interact and learn from folks who have learnt using the same project based approach.
  3. The flexibility of learning at your time with no fixed “class timings”.
  4. A specially curated roadmap to make your learning efficient and fruitful.